
Syntax: @Shell commandline[, windowstate]

The Shell command has the same effect as the Prog command, but with the important difference that XpertRule continues running (inference) once the shelled program has started. This is usually essential when using other programs for OLE2 .

The optional windowstate parameter can be used to set the show mode for the program, according to the numeric value used:

Windowstate value effect
1, 5, or 9 normal with focus
2 minimised with focus
3 maximised with focus
4 or 8 normal without focus
6 or 7 minimised without focus

The commandline parameter MUST specify the full path name of the application.


@Shell 'D:\windows\notepad.exe', 3

This would start the Windows Notepad application, maximised with the focus, and then continue running the current XpertRule application.